
1. install

Alpine Linux    apk add byobu
Arch    pacman -Sy byobu
Debian    apt-get install byobu
Fedora    yum install byobu
Gentoo    emerge byobu
Mac OS    brew install byobu
Mint    sudo apt-get install byobu
Ubuntu    sudo apt-get install byobu

2. cmd

  • byobu-select-backend
Select the byobu backend:
  1. tmux
  2. screen

Choose 1-2 [1]: 1
  • byobu

显示所有会话, 或新开一个会话

Byobu sessions...

  1. tmux: docker: 1 windows (created Fri Dec  2 15:11:39 2016) [101x53]
  2. tmux: docker1: 1 windows (created Fri Dec  2 15:12:11 2016) [101x53]
  3. tmux: docker2: 1 windows (created Fri Dec  2 15:12:22 2016) [101x53]
  4. Create a new Byobu session (tmux)
  5. Run a shell without Byobu (/bin/zsh)

2.1. byobu-tmux

byobu new -s session_name
byobu a -t session_name
# 关闭某个会话
byobu kill-session -t session_name
# 关闭所有会话
byobu kill-server

3. 快捷键

Function Shortcut
创建新的窗口 F2
回到先前窗口 F3
跳到下一个窗口 F4
重新命名一个窗口 F8
重新加载文件 F5
Detach and logout F6
进入 复制/回滚模式 F7
启动配置窗口 F9
生成水平分隔 shift+F2
生成垂直分隔 ctrl+F2
生成新会话 ctrl+shift+F2
在一个窗口的分隔中回到上一个子窗口,可循环 shift+F3
在一个窗口的分隔中回到下一个子窗口,可循环 shift+F4
切换当前窗口 Ctrl+a H/D/J/K
调整当前窗口大小 Ctrl+a 上/下/左/右

关闭当前窗口: 命令行输入 exit

F12 -  Lock this terminal

shift-F3 - Shift the focus to the previous split region

shift-F4 - Shift the focus to the next split region

shift-F5 - Join all splits

ctrl-F6 - Remove this split

ctrl-F5 - Reconnect GPG and SSH sockets

shift-F6 - Detach, but do not logout

alt-pgup - Enter scrollback mode

alt-pgdn - Enter scrollback mode

Ctrl-a $ - show detailed status

Ctrl-a R - Reload profile

Ctrl-a ! - Toggle key bindings on and off

Ctrl-a k - Kill the current window

Ctrl-a ~ - Save the current window's scrollback buffer

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