0x00 Anaconda
Anaconda 是一个免费的Python科学计算环境, 下载地址: Download , 文档: Document.
- Download the installer.
- In your terminal window type one of the below and follow the instructions:
Python 2.7: bash Anaconda2-4.1.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
Python 3.5: bash Anaconda3-4.1.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
NOTE: Include the "bash" command even if you are not using the bash shell.
update: conda update anaconda
1. 0x01 包管理 conda
Anaconda 提供了包管理工具: conda
, 文档: conda document
conda list 列出已安装的python包/框架
conda install swapi 安装特定的包
conda install setuptools==1.9.2 安装特定的版本
cpnda uninstall setuptools 卸载包
conda update conda
conda create --name py3 python=3
2. 0x02 Anaconda Navigator
Anaconda Navigator is a desktop graphical user interface included in Anaconda that allows you to easily manage conda packages, environments and channels without the need to use the command line
install:conda install anaconda-navigator