1. iTerm2

1.1. 通用终端命令

ctrl + a 将光标移动到命令行开头
ctrl + e 将光标移动到命令行结尾处
ctrl + u 删除光标前面所有字符
ctrl + k 删除光标后面所有字符

1.2. 常用设置

  • iTerm2设置为默认终端:(菜单栏)iTerm -> Make iTerm2 Default Term
  • 在 Keys -> Hotkey 中设置 optin + space 快速显示和隐藏iTerm
  • 自定义快捷键,在iTerm->Preferences->Keys里面设置

2. 配色方案

  • Solarized -- github
  • iTerm2-Color-Schemes

  • 下载完成后依次选择:iTerm->Preferences->Profiles->Colors

  • 然后选择下面的Load Presets->Import,选择下载好的schemes文件夹里面的.itermcolors后缀的文件导入主题即可选择使用。

  • 常用的快捷键:

Function Shortcut
新建term窗口 + n
新建标签页 + t
关闭标签页或者窗口 + w
分屏显示 + d / + shift + d
tab标签页之间切换 + 数字 / + <- / ->
自动补全 + ;
Move forward a word Option + f
Move backward a word Option + b
Clear the screen + k

Tabs and Windows

Function Shortcut
Previous Tab + Left Arrow
Next Tab + Right Arrow
Go to Tab + Number
Go to Window + Option + Number
Go to Split Pane by Direction + Option + Arrow
Go to Split Pane by Order of Use + ] , + [
Split Window Horizontally (same profile) + D
Split Window Vertically (same profile) + d
Split Window Horizontally (new profile) Option + + H
Split Window Vertically (new profile) Option + + V
关闭当前标签页 + 'w'
新的标签页 + 't'
Set Mark + M
Jump to Mark + J
进入与返回全屏模式 + enter
清屏 + r

Basic Moves

Function Shortcut
Move back one character Ctrl + b
Move forward one character Ctrl + f
Delete current character Ctrl + d
Delete previous character Backspace
Undo Ctrl + -


Function Shortcut
清空当前行 Ctrl + u
移动到行首 Ctrl + a
移动到行尾 Ctrl + e
向前移动 Ctrl + f
向后移动 Ctrl + b
上一条命令 Ctrl + p
下一条命令 Ctrl + n
搜索历史命令 Ctrl + r
删除光标之前的字符 Ctrl + y
召回最近用命令删除的文字 Ctrl + h
删除光标所指的字符 Ctrl + d
删除光标之前的单词 Ctrl + w
删除从光标到行尾的内容 Ctrl + k
交换光标和之前的字符 Ctrl + t

Cut and Paste

Function Shortcut
Cut from cursor to the end of line Ctrl + k
Cut from cursor to the end of word Option + d
Cut from cursor to the start of word Option + Backspace
Cut from cursor to previous whitespace Ctrl + w
Paste the last cut text Ctrl + w
Loop through and paste previously cut text Option + y
Loop through and paste the last argument of previous commands Option + .

Search the Command History

Function Shortcut
Search as you type Ctrl + r and type the search term; Repeat Ctrl + r to loop through result
Search the last remembered search term Ctrl + r twice
End the search at current history entry Ctrl + y
Cancel the search and restore original line Ctrl + g
自动列出剪切板的历史记录 + shift + h
补全 + ';'

3. zsh

install: brew install zsh

安装完成后,将zsh设置成系统默认shell,以代替bash。 用编辑器打开/etc/shells,在末尾添加/usr/local/bin/zsh,保存关闭。 在终端中执行以下命令:

chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh


3.1. config

# .zsrc
ZSH_THEME = agnoster

results matching ""

    No results matching ""